3 WAYS TO FREE YOUR MIND | How I Free my Mind to Draw a Smile

"Hello, this is another article that relates to health which is about ways to free your mind to draw a smile. Find out more!" Note that this article has had contained about expert says. I always overcome my problems by reading and searching, as well as counseling with some people that more experienced than I am.

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Read more about the article A Heartbreaking Story: A dead Muslim Girl Carried Out of a Night Club
night club

A Heartbreaking Story: A dead Muslim Girl Carried Out of a Night Club

This heartbreaking story came from one of the Instagram accounts @waazziotv. This account is a security man who was called to work as part of the security team in one of the night club. It was October 2011 when the event occurred. He said that there was 300 people attended the alcohol and drug fulled night at the club.

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Read more about the article Things I Didn’t Know Were Anxiety
things i didn't know were anxiety

Things I Didn’t Know Were Anxiety

I knew there were somethings off going on with me when all I can feel is conscious and feeling scared of other people's perceptions of me. It makes me wonder what did I do wrong to deserve all this feeling. The feeling of being scared, anxious, or afraid for no reason. At first, I thought this was because I'm naturally born with this personality or this feeling is a part of me. Until I knew the fact that it was part of anxiety.

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